
Koyotes Krickets Princess Miya

Born: June 24, 2003



Miya is our first Shiba and she is a very spoiled little Shiba princess, she is quite a talker, and will always present you with a gift when you come in the door. She likes to put her little ears back and squints her eyes and make little grunting noises, she is a very funny little girl. Miya loves to play hard and fast with her Shiba friends "Destiny," “Indy” and “Kismet” – she is always quick to let them know who the boss is!

Miya didn't enjoy the show ring, she is pointed and we are very proud of these. Miya is now spayed and enjoys being "Princess" to all of our other dogs!

At the 2010 Canadian National Specialty we entered Miya in the Veteran’s class for fun, she won Best Veteran in Sweepstakes! She was in the ring with her Grandfather Huckleberry, we were very proud of her as she strutted her little self around the ring!

Koyotes Krickets Princess Miya

Koyotes Krickets Princess Miya

Koyotes Krickets Princess Miya

Koyotes Krickets Princess Miya

Koyotes Krickets Princess Miya